Tick accepts time entries in both minutes (1:30 - 1 hour 30 minutes) and decimal notation (1.5).
Either way the time entry is made, Tick will store the entry in decimal notation for reports. Tick does this because we believe it is the best way for time to be added at the bottom of a spreadsheet or for calculating your invoices at the end of the day.
When entering time, the decimal point is used to represent a percentage of an hour. For example,
2.25 = 2 hours 15 minutes
2.5 = 2 hours 30 minutes
1.7 = 1 hour 42 minutes
If you want to designate minutes when you enter time, use a colon.
2:15 = 2 hours 15 minutes
2:30 = 2 hours 30 minutes
1:42 = 1 hour 42 minutes